About Laika BoerBoele

We, William, Natasha and two sons Stefan and Dewald are living on a farm in the beautiful Ruiterbos valley, midway between Mosselbay and Oudtshoorn in the Southern Cape.

William was born and raised on the farm and the boerboels or the so called “plaasboele” at that time were always part of our family. After Natasha and I got married our first choice for a guard dog was again a boerboel and our children were raised with them too.

We found them to be excellent guard dogs, very loyal to their owners and their temperaments make them easy to work with.

In 2013 we decided to get more involved and plough back into this wonderful dog race that was already part of our lives for so many years. After a lot of “googling”, telephone calls and many kilometers on the road we bought our first registered dogs in 2014, attended a breeder/appraiser course and registered as breeders with SABBS.

We spent a lot of time with our dogs and they get exercised daily. We let our dogs participate in dog shows all over the country, a good way for us to see how our dogs interact with other dogs and people.

Since 2013 we have bred a few dogs, which are going very well for us. Some of these dogs include Laika Duster, Laika Diesel and abroad Laika Nature Boy. We look forward to see what the future brings for our Laika team.